About Us

ESD is run by a mother-daughter duo, Maren and Allie. 

Maren has been a licensed clinical social worker since 2010.  She cares about a lot of different things including social justice, the health and well-being of first-responders, and supporting people in living their best lives.  She was raised by an angel of a man who taught her the importance of finding humor in life which resulted in her adoption of his dry, sarcastic and often dark sense of humor.  This led to the birth of Emotional Support Drink.  She is all too aware of layers of barriers that interfere with folks living their best lives.  She’s heard the term ESD used in reference to Emotional Support Dogs many, many times.  One day, when she was leaning on her ESD, Dr. Pepper, she made a play on ESD (Emotional Support Dogs) and has since been using ESD to refer to Dr. Pepper particularly when she was feeling overwhelmed and needed a little external emotional boost.  

Maren has had a dream of creating a non-profit organization that provides funding for families to go on vacation who wouldn’t otherwise be able to for many years. She thinks all families should be able to vacation together, for multiple days, in a way that isn’t camping. Camping is too much work for the adults to really count as a vacation— especially when the adult is a single parent. ESD is allowing her to see that dream come to fruition. 5% of all ESD profits will be used to support the development and sustaining of this non-profit.  Check back for information about how the non-profit is helping families play.

Allie is a law student who gets her passion for social justice from her mother. She is curious and has a deep love for traveling because of the way it challenges her views of the world. It was during an internship at a kindergarten in Thailand that Allie first fell in love with finding fun beverages. Wherever she travels, she loves discovering and savoring the local drinks. At home, she experiments with new beverage combinations to share with her family.